This just in, Bailey...

DATE: 2002-06-02 00:14:36

Getting a chance to spend some time with the Metroid Prime demo was tough. Unless you were there at just the right moment, chances were you probably would't see a thing. The crowds were just that huge, and rightly so considering how great the game looks and feels. I take back every negative thing I have ever said about Metroid being a first person game. It's incredible!

From the neat visor view with various readouts and scans to the seamless transitions from first to third person mode (when the opportunity came up) ? this game has it all. I'll be the first to admit, I had my doubts about how good the GameCube controller would handle a FPS. Yeah, there's Agent Under Fire, but there's just something about the controller that doesn't feel right to me. However, all these doubts were quickly snuffed after playing the demo.

Anyway, as much as I loved Metroid Prime, that's not the point of this article.

About a year ago, Nintendo let some pictures of a Metroid adventure for the GBA leak. They were cool, but nothing much to look at. Then there was nothing. No updates, nothing ? leaving many (including myself) to think that maybe the title had been canned. Then came Nintendo's press conference. After a drawn out speech on connectivity, a short demo was shown which, much to the delight of the audience, included the first new screens of Metroid for the GBA.

Titled Metroid Fusion, this game takes the classic Metroid game play and well...fuses it with tons of new tricks such as the ability to climb on walls and ceilings (with a certain gripping surface). Gaining new abilities is also a little more interesting. Instead of finding that weird statue, you now have to fight a boss. After defeating him, you fuse with this blob-like thing and gain the ability. The demo only showcased the 'ball' and missles, but expect other classic Metroid gadgets in the final version.

Metroid Fusion takes an obvious cue from Super Metroid, but also manages to improve upon the system. If you thought Super Metroid loved transparency effects, just wait. One of the coolest parts of the demo was a thick green fog that enveloped and entire room. After destroying a 'growth' clogging the vent, it dissipated.

The story behind the game is anyone's guess, but most of the game play elements seemed to revolve around these blob-like parasites fusing with various animals and our hero. It also seems that this may be the first Metroid to not star Samus since, from what I could tell, you meet her at the end of the demo.

There was no word on whether Metroid Prime and Fusion would link together, but considering how much Nintendo was pushing the feature and the fact that the option was never mentioned, I don't expect it. Both Metroids are expected this November.

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