E3 2005: Level Up
3001 AD
Product: Trimersion Goggles
Company: 3001 AD
Date: 05/19/2005
Avaliable On:

Virtual reality may not ever make a great comeback, but that?s not to say we can?t meet it in the middle. 3001 AD is trying to bring back a concept that never really took off during the 16 bit console wars. That concept is virtual reality goggles that you can plug into your PC, PS2, or Xbox and play First Person Shooters with.

These goggles, which are called Trimersion Goggles, track the motion of your head. This motion is translated into your onscreen movement. The rest of the game is controlled normally with a controller. The goggles provide a wide field of vision along with stereo sound, effectively putting you as much in the game as possible.

All of these features come together to form a unique experience with a few minor drawbacks. The calibration of the goggles can be a little tricky at first, and more often than not you?ll find your head aiming towards the floor in order to look straight forward on the game screen. A motion sickness warning would also be a nice disclaimer on the box; this equipment is not for those with weak bowels.

The Trimersion Goggles are more of a niche product than anything else. They are a novelty that will be enjoyed by those nostalgic for the good old VR days. It?s hard to see these catching on in a big way, but if the opportunity to try them arises it shouldn?t be idly passed by.

Snow Chainz aka Andrew Horwitz

GameVortex PSIllustrated TeamPS2