The Ultimate Gaming Chair
Product: Ultimate Gaming Chair
Company: Ultimate Game Chair
Date: 05/13/2006
Avaliable On:

I saw the Ultimate Game Chair last year. So if last year they had the ultimate chair, what do they have now?

Well, they have evidently done well since E3 last year, and have generated quite a bit of interest. The culmination of that interest and some feedback is not one but two new chairs. One is a new version of the original Ultimate Game Chair, and the other is a model that is designed to fold up for easier storage.

The new design for the original Ultimate Game Chair looks more sleek and features armrests which open outwards to reveal a storage area which can store the built-in control sticks as well as additional items. Another addition to the Ultimate Game Chair is a new vibration massage feature. It's not a top-of-the-line massage mechanism, but in just a few seconds of trying it, I found myself nicely refreshed and a little rejuvenated.

The storage aspect seems to be a common theme - the more portable model has storage areas for storing your gaming gear as well.

This is not in-depth, I know, but I will pass along more details when I receive more information from Ultimate Game Chair, which should be along shortly.

Geck0 aka Robert Perkins

GameVortex PSIllustrated TeamPS2