Silent Hill: Proud to Call it Home
Product: Silent Hill: Homecoming
Company: Konami
Date: 07/17/2008
Avaliable On:

While the original games were developed by Konami’s internal studio, Silent Hill: Homecoming is being developed by Double Helix, a company that was formed after the merger of The Collective and Shiny Entertainment. Although new to the series, it looks like the team has a handle on what Silent Hill is all about.

One look at Homecoming and you instantly know that it’s a Silent Hill game. Fog and shadows envelop every nook and cranny of the town, and the lighting adds just the right amount of creep factor. The areas you can see (mostly with the help of your trusty flashlight) are full of details, including abandoned vehicles and numerous run-down buildings.

In Homecoming, you play as Alex Shepherd, a war veteran who has returned to his hometown of Shepherd’s Glen. Of course, if you’ve spent any time with other games in the series, you know these sorts of things never turn out well. Alex’s brother is missing, he’s dealing with amnesia, the entire town is covered in a thick fog and monsters are roaming the streets. Alex will eventually make his way into Silent Hill and although his story isn’t directly related to any of the previous games, a few threads connecting to other games will be around for long time fans to pick up on.

Monsters range from bloody dogs to the all-too-familiar nurses. Since Alex has military training, he won’t be quite as helpless as characters from past games. He’ll be able to use guns when available, though most of the time he’ll have to get up close and personal with knives, crowbars and axes. Alex’s training will also be reflected it the combat system, which has been reworked and refined. Some weapons will also double as tools for some of the game's puzzle-oriented elements.

Silent Hill: Homecoming will ship for the Xbox 360 and PS3 this Fall.

Starscream aka Ricky Tucker

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