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JEM and the Holograms: Season Two

Score: 82%
Rating: Not Rated
Publisher: Shout! Factory
Region: 1
Media: DVD/4
Running Time: 600 Mins.
Genre: Animated/TV Series
Audio: English


  • Video Jukebox

JEM and the Holograms isn't a show that you have to really watch in order, which is nice. JEM and the Holograms: Season Two continues the series, but starts off with a few changes. Shana is quite multi-talented, as we already know. She can play guitar and drums and also designs the clothing for the band, but designing is her real passion. When she gets the chance to work as an assistant for a major designer, the gals in JEM want her to follow her dreams which means they need a new drummer. They decide to hold open tryouts and the JEM tryouts give us a chance to hear more music. The decision isn't an easy one and covers two episodes. In the end, Reya joins JEM as the new drummer and Shana comes back after she gets fed up with the designer that she's working for. Shana is happy with this though, because now she has time to play guitar. The Misfits decide to hire a new member as well, a sax player named Jetta. Pizzazz is jealous of her, but she just has to deal with it. Jetta is just as mean and cruel as Roxy and Pizzazz, so she fits right in. This means that there are now 5 members in JEM: JEM (Jerrica), Kimber, Aja, Shana, and Reya, and there are 4 Misfits: Roxy, Pizzazz, Stormer, and Jetta.

Things haven't really changed in this season. The Misfits are up to their normal tricks and when they steal Kimber's diary, they use it to cause a huge scandal. Luckily, the JEM gals are truly friends and will stand by each other always! Clash is back and pretends to be JEM, giving the whole group a bad rep in an episode. Of course, when you're that mean and nasty, things aren't going to go as planned. Roxy has a big secret, she can't read. When the Misfits make fun of her, she decides to leave them and change her life forever. Things aren't always that easy though, especially when you are illiterate! Kimber and Stormer both get fed up with the bands not listening to them, so they both leave. By chance, they end up at the same club and on stage together. They find out that they have a lot in common musically and perform well together. Is this the end of JEM and the Holograms and the Misfits?

In the JEM camp, you'll get to see all the members being the focus at some point and some of the previous season's characters and new characters as well. A new girl comes to the Starlight House, Laura. She's really talented on guitar, but she's not good with people and is very shy. Of course, the girls at the Starlight House are all super friendly and so is JEM. They will help her fit in if she'll let them in. First though, she'll have to learn the age-old lesson that "Drugs are bad." We always have to remember that this is an 80's cartoon, so there will usually be a moral to the episode. We find out that Aja and Shana were both foster girls that lived with the Bentons. The foster home was started by JEM's father and mother. Her mother was also a singer/song writer herself and when JEM learns that there are old recordings of her live, they decide to release a tribute to her memory, if they can find the recordings. When Eric Raymond finds them first though, it spells big trouble! In one episode, JEM is asked to do a special concert for the president, but his security measures block Synergy's transmissions. They have to move her to DC, but that turns out to be a huge risk! The Mardi Gras episode was amusing. I always love to see how New Orleans is portrayed in various places. Dance is back as well. Dance finds herself in a real life role of Maid Marian when they go to a renaissance festival in England at a real castle. Video is also back and gets help from the girls to make a present for her father for Father's Day. To get some new music ideas, the girls follow Professor Andrew on a search for the mythical Shangra-La as he says that a record of all human music, arts, and culture are stored there. The journey through the Himalayas isn't an easy one though, especially not with the abominable snowman on the loose! Things aren't always as they seem though and the Yeti could be of a help to them. Of course, the Misfits will try and follow just to find out what JEM is up to. Kimber has not one, but two men in love with her and wanting to marry her. What will she decide to do?

JEM and the Holograms isn't the world's most serious cartoon, but it does have a good message at times and was an instrumental series in teaching girls that they could do whatever they want to, without getting help from men. It was a very empowering series without seeming like it or pushing the idea. I'm not sure it would resonate with kids of today, but I think that it might. The bonus feature of Video Jukebox will let you just watch all the videos if you want, but I preferred to see the entire episodes. Watching them all again satisfied nostalgia for me. If you liked the series, I recommend you pick it up, just to see them all again.

-Cyn, GameVortex Communications
AKA Sara Earl

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