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Rob & Big: The Complete Uncensored Third Season

Score: 77%
Rating: Not Rated
Publisher: Paramount
Region: 1
Media: DVD/3
Running Time: 300 Mins.
Genre: Comedy/TV Series
Audio: Dolby Digital English Stereo
Subtitles: None


  • Deleted Scenes
  • The Best, Worst and Unused
  • Audio Commentary

Rob & Big: The Complete Uncensored 3rd Season is all about rude, crude and totally unacceptable behavior. Rob Dyrdek, professional skateboarder and Christopher "Big Black" Boykin, his friend and bodyguard, find themselves in awkward, strange and often funny situations, although most of them are rather contrived.

This show is definitely for "generation Jackass". From the very first episode where Rob goes on a mission to discover who took a dump in his pool, all the way until the final episode where Big Black discovers he is going to be a father so the group practices with a pretend baby, you know you are in for some seriously juvenile behavior. Now, I am not gonna say that I didn't get some laughs out of this show, because I'd be lying if I did, but most of the humor is pretty crude. Sidekicks Drama and Bam Bam show up pretty often in episodes, but I usually hate it when Drama appears, because it usually means he is going to take a beating, whether it be physical or mental. He appears to be Rob's manservant, basically there to clean house, do laundry and be Rob's whipping boy at his whim. Whether Rob is lobbing dead rats at his face or shooting the infamous net gun at him, or worst of all, "celebrating" his birthday by buying a huge billboard with a bald picture of him, then shaving his head to match and taking him to Vegas, poor Drama gets the worst of it.

Rob and Big's pets often take center stage. Meaty is a super cool white bulldog. This dog skateboards, eats Roombas, and becomes a spokesdog for Natural Balance Meaty Munchies! He's a real charmer and always steals every scene he's in. However, Mini the Mini-Horse is not nearly so pleasant, but it is funny to see him attack Rob and Big. He is especially peeved when they enter him into a Mini-Horse competition, but he comes home with the 8th place ribbon anyway.

One episode that actually impressed me was the one where Rob and Big decided they'd break some Guinness World Records. Whatever, I thought. Another stunt. But I was really impressed when they did it. Big broke two eating records and Rob broke some 21 world records regarding skateboarding, the most impressive being his railslide down a 100' rail (breaking the previous records of 30' or so). I had to give credit where credit was due once I saw that.

Other notable episodes are one where the boys give back, spreading charity to the homeless after being impressed by a guy who gives away ice cream in an ice cream truck; one where Rob transforms himself into "Big Bob" by donning a fat suit to learn what Big Black goes through; the trip to Cancun where Bam Bam and Big dress up as luchodores and wrestle; and finally Meaty's birthday. As anyone who knows me can attest, I think dog parties rawk. Oh, lastly, there's the time Rob gets a cup of coffee thrown on his ride by a pissed-off dude in a Spider-Man costume. Later on, he pays another costume wearer at an event to call him when Spidey shows up and they drive by and use the net gun on Spidey when he is clinging to a pole. Oh, it is priceless!

Special features include a slew of deleted scenes, some of which are pretty funny; a featurette on the best, worst and unused, which was amusing; plus audio commentary. While this show is often funny, it's not the type of thing I'd go out of my way to catch on TV or rent. If you are a big fan of Rob and Big, then it's worth checking out because the episodes I mentioned are pretty cool, especially Guiness. But you may find it annoying that there seems to be a constant product placement for Monster Sports drinks and Big's clothes line, which he wears every show. One last thing - this is not a show for the kiddies. There is lots of cursing and inappropriate behavior in this show, so parents beware. When they say uncensored, they mean it. Is this the show for you? You'll have to decide for yourself.

-Psibabe, GameVortex Communications
AKA Ashley Perkins

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