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No FarmVille updates... promise.

Product: Facebook

We know you're on Facebook. EVERYONE is on Facebook. Even my parents are on Facebook. Now we're there too.

We're launching the Official GameVortex/ PSIllustrated Facebook page, and want you to join in. We promise not to spam your Wall with updates on how our Farmville farm is shaping up (the rutabagas are coming in nicely, though) or let you know that we're Rose in the "Which Golden Girl Are You?" quiz. Instead, you'll get updates on reviews, previews and other features as well as the chance to check out cool shots from our adventures, including a few candid shots from E3, PAX and other industry events.

So "Like Us," join in and play nice.

-Starscream, GameVortex Communications
AKA Ricky Tucker

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Game Vortex :: PSIllustrated